instead of reading our CONCEPT online we recommend you to download it as PDF file to your computer as it is very comprehensive; 30 pages with lots of information. you are then able to read it offline with your usual PDF reader and can navigate much faster than reading it online. please use the link below. the CONCEPT is available in two versions; the recommended one is using our favorite font (papyrus) and its size is 3 MB. should your PDF reader come without this font and you experience problems in reading it then you can download the version using the arial font.

the CONCEPT is only one part of what you will want to read. the second file is THE LOCATION, describing exactly WHERE we want to realize THE SOURCE. there are several options, all of them described in detail and showed with lots of pictures, allowing you to compare all locations. this file also contains a suitability comparison as well as everything about the financial requirements. THE INFORMATION IN THE "LOCATION" FILE IS NOT ON THIS WEBPAGE. YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD IT.

the LOCATION file is very big and we therefore offer several download options:

ONE file containing all information and all locations. it comes in a low resolution version which is 12 MB, which will be absolutely sufficient for most purposes, or optional, as a high resolution version which is 43 MB, which you only need if you want to see the pictures bigger than 100%. we recommend you start with the low resolution version.

please note that these files are quite big and will use some time to display in your browser as well as to download, but it is worth the wait.

if you have problems to download the big file or you already know exactly what individual location file you want we divided the LOCATION file in 12 individual files, described in the folder OPTIONAL DOWNLOAD below.

if you want to learn more about how to display and download PDF files in your specific browser click HERE.


(you need this one too, 12 MB)
(if you need a higher resolution 
or have download problems)DOWNLOAD2.htmlDOWNLOAD2.htmlDOWNLOAD2.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2
(you need this one, 3 MB)